Aloha everyone and welcome back to Aloha Activism; Aloha Ola O Ka Pono website's blog .
This mid day we have had another good shaker here on the island ! I personally didn't feel anything down here on pohoiki road , but i am thanking tutu Pele for the help with raising awareness 🙏
I wanted to make sure to post these here , as she shook the Moku right as i was researching them , so I take it as a confirmation from here that this is important:
Guidelines for Assessing Cultural Impacts:
Adopted by the Environmental Council,State of Hawaii November 19, 1997

This is the document Trask talks about in the Contradictions post I uploaded yesterday (on tik tok) : https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNknccQ1/
Speaks for itself 🙏🌋⚖️😩😞⚔️🙏⚔️🚫☯️ #FreeKilauea #FreeKumukahi #Puna #KilaueaVolcano #aolepgv #alohaactivism #culture #hawaiiankingdom
Workinh on a present on this , will be posted this evening on socials

See you guys then
Aloha Activism