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5 Shocking Truths About Real Estate in Puna Hawaii: The Dark Secrets Behind Leilani Estates , Kapoho and beyond.

Updated: Aug 3

Are you considering a move to Puna, Hawaii, specifically eyeing the beautiful properties in Leilani Estates? Before you take the plunge into that picturesque slice of paradise, there are some shocking truths you should be aware of. What they don't tell you about these dream homes might change your perspective entirely. Let's delve into the hidden realities of the real estate market in Puna Hawaii.


Geothermal Plant

Image: screenshot of an example illustrating the 40-year misinformation surrounding Puna real estate. Featured in the New York Post, the article addresses the housing crisis in Puna, mentioning earthquakes, but fails to acknowledge the ecocide and drilling occurring in residential areas. Puna Geothermal Venture has a hush fund where they buy out community members homes at 130% of what they are worth , so they hush up and move away and they can continue to poison all land air and water. Once these people accept the relocation due to being so sick every day they can barely breathe , the wonderful amazing county of Hawaii (controlled by Israeli ormat PGV) , brings in their geothermal workers and geo pushers into these homes . We never can win with this as our reality. Time to wake up and make noise if you live in Leilani.


1. The Geothermal Nightmare Underneath Your Backyard

Imagine waking up to the serene views of Puna only to realize that deep beneath your feet lies a geothermal volcano drilling plant, completely unmonitored as theu frack open Kīlauea volcano underneath and cover up decades of community sufferings. Yes, you read that right. While the realtors paint a picture of tranquility and natural beauty, the reality is that these homes sit on top of a ticking time bomb of ecocide. The relentless pursuit of energy in Hawaii has overshadowed the environmental impact, with geothermal activities causing irreversible harm to the land we call home.

2. Hawai'i Energy's 40-Year Deception

For four decades, Hawaii Energy has been spinning a web of lies surrounding the real estate market in Puna, particularly in Leilani Estates. The aggressive pursuit of energy sources has led to the suppression of critical information from potential homeowners. The idyllic setting masks a deeper, darker agenda, leaving residents unaware of the ecological sacrifices made to power their homes. The so-called paradise comes at a cost that is buried deep within the earth.


Displayed in the screenshot from a New York Post article about Puna real estate is a prime example of the misleading narratives and propaganda. The image reveals one of the numerous homes with active geothermal toxin SO2 Kilauea fissures in their backyards, posing a continuous threat to the community's health. Real estate agents or companies are unlikely to disclose the true dangers to human life present in the Leilani Estates Subdivision in Puna, Hawaii.


3. Homes Built on a Foundation of Deceit

When you invest in a property in Puna, you unknowingly become complicit in the environmental degradation happening right in your backyard. The glossy brochures and enticing offers fail to mention the ethical implications of residing in an area plagued by geothermal ecocide. As you envision your future in Hawaii, it's essential to consider the hidden truths that underpin the foundations of these homes.


Image: The once beautiful and prosperous Leilani Homestead was transformed into a disaster in 2018 when PGV carelessly began flooding their geothermal wells with millions of gallons of water beneath Leilani estates during an active eruption. The 2024 Hawaii Geothermal Injunction has scientifically confirmed that these actions were the actual cause of the explosive and intensified eruption, as well as the documentary entitled "Provoking Pele " by Benjamin Cole Productions. Even in 2024, they continue to hide the truth from unsuspecting buyers, despite the fact that these gases will inevitably result in severe chronic health issues that the county of Hawaii should be held accountable for compensating, as they have concealed it for so long. #aolefakestate #leilanistrong


4. Awakening to the Reality of Leilani Estates

Leilani Estates, once synonymous with beauty and tranquility, now stands as a stark reminder of the price paid for energy consumption. The lush vegetation and breathtaking landscapes mask a scarred land, marred by the geothermal drilling that fuels our modern lives. It's time to awaken to the reality that lies beneath the surface of this Hawaiian paradise, shedding light on the unsettling truths that have long been shrouded in secrecy.

5. A Call to Conscious Living

As prospective homeowners in Puna, it's crucial to question the narratives presented to us and demand transparency in our real estate dealings. The allure of Leilani Estates must be weighed against the ethical implications of residing in an area where ecocide lurks beneath the surface. By choosing to educate ourselves and advocate for sustainable practices, we can pave the way for a future where our homes are not built on the exploitation of the environment.



In conclusion, the real estate market in Puna, Hawaii, particularly in Leilani Estates, is not all sunshine and rainbows. Behind the veil of paradise lies a tale of environmental degradation and ethical quandaries that demand our attention. As you navigate the waters of property ownership in this beautiful region, remember to look beyond the façade and consider the hidden truths that shape our living environments.

Let's strive for a future where real estate is built on foundations of truth and sustainability, rather than deception and ecocide.

Leilani Estates is responsible for shaping the person I have become. What frustrates me the most is the arrogance of the residents and their selfishness in not standing up to protect our home.

Acting like its not happening is not doing any good for our keiki . So, If you are a child of Hawaii, and live in Leilani estates, get with the program and help Leilani Estates. Mahalo yeah.

i love you all


If possible, I kindly ask for your assistance in achieving my goal. I am grateful for the generous donation of $50 from the first supporter towards the $300 GoFundMe campaign for a community organization's laptop for their website and blog. I dedicate my spare time and personal resources to this cause, as I have always done (years of community service, providing meals, holiday events, etc.), and I am in desperate need of support to raise awareness in our secluded rural area and make a difference. Please find the GoFundMe link here -->







SEO Keywords: Leilani Estates, geothermal in backyard, Hawaii Energy, ecocide

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