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As of July 26th 2024 , Aloha Activism KahuPuna social media accounts are frozen.

Updated: Aug 2

Welcome back to the Aloha Activism blog on the KahuPuna community website. Today's post is a brief update on my social media presence. While many of you follow me on TikTok, that is not the focus here. The platforms in question are the Aloha Activism KahuPuna Instagram and Facebook accounts.

Image: event rsvp post for the 2 day demonstration coming up this October at the geo rising Expo. Please go to website (exit blog to homepage) to RSVP today.

Below is a post that I recently shared on my original Facebook page under my name, Jasmine Steiner. I accessed that account three days ago when my other accounts were suspended to inform certain individuals in my community about my blacklisted accounts. This information is crucial, so I decided to document it here on the blog as well.

"Aloha guys. So I know I just got back on this page but, My stuff isnt being approved by group admins now, which at this point is straght up the only reason i came back to this fb , was to update all that were following me for this cause that my KahuPuna pages are frozen... I needed to get the educational materials every day to my actual community here in Puna , Via these groups..

You wont find me here anymore. I need to actually be able to help Pele and my home: Hawaii . I've put some Important things on my timeline, please check if you feel the need to for your home, and fine me on my Aloha Activism website . In the forums and in the blog daily.

Please remember that fear is a killer. I have never ever put anything up that is not truths , nor have i ever put any thing up to harm anyone.

One of the reasons Puna is how bad it is , is us, the people of Puna , don't make enough noise and let the fear of repurcussions hold us back and they just hope that they will get a bone thrown. We bow down when they tell us to be quiet about something so that they can continue . It has to stop somehow.

We actually do have to rise to help during this geothermal injunction.

When the world is aware , the court sees that and takes it into consideration. This is global knowledge that when a people rises and makes noise , it's harder for the Judge to rule against them.

Its why they're allowed to do this so long

The people dont rise .

I understand fear . But at this point. The only thing to fear , are the ones not resharing and reposting the truths that will free our home, due to being scared of a fb warning. That's what I fear. It's why there is a ecocide STILL being allowed in Puna .

I personally feel there's a time for silence. And a time for noise.

Which is why I'll be leaving fakebook for good. There's no point to be on here.

If you do want to help actually raise awareness as we need to , I have worked extremely hard to try to help get the word out while my mom is silently busting butt for injunction.

I give you folks everything you could ever need regarding ethnohistory and studues of our cultiral areas which is what will win help this fight. The injunction lays bare everything anyone could ever need to make a decision , but incase they need more i am trying to educate the world on what HAS been erased down here, as that's what we need to fight for also--> our RIGHTS TO WORSHIP down here. ( Hawaiian traditional worship. Not colonizer worshiping. )

The erasure of our culture and our religious practices down here . We have a right to worship. I have a right to worship Tutu . You do too. Water is deadly to tutu pele. And they are injecting 4.3 million gallons a day Into her . It goes against all that is HAWAIIAN CULTURE AND TRADITIONS.

But I think everyone's too stuck in fear .

I need to find people who will actually share and not cater to censoring.

Find me on tik tok or the website that everything has been laid out for you in. It's. All. There.


Also , rsvp to geo rizing on website please, so I can provide enough food and water (it's been on website for a while now )

I love you all

Jazz. Aloha Activism

Please know it's nothing against anyone personally . I have to go where I can actually help humanity. And straight up, that's NOT Facebook.

Noone can help humanity on FAKEBOOK when only like one or 2 Puna people will on here are brace enough to press the share button. Its just better all around that I stick to the platform that does get hundreds of views a hour and reposts all day long: TiK Tok. So please find me there . We are gonna be live reading more of Tutu Pele Myth today as well.


Ps PLEASE CONSIDER helping me via a small donation . I have a goal of 300$ for a laptop to continue the community aid and website running. Mahalo -->

Hey, what's up! I'm working hard to support our Puna community in our fight against the geothermal plant, but I really need a new laptop to keep up with everything. Your donation, no matter the size, would make a huge difference, so please click the link below to donate or share. Thanks so much!


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