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Breaking Through the Censorship: Puna's Stand Against Geothermal Poisoning

In the midst of the breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture of Puna, Hawaii, a battle is raging under the cloak of censorship. Within the radius of a foreign-owned geothermal drilling plant: puna Geothermal Venture (israeli owned), multiple endangered endemic species are silently fighting for survival amidst the looming threat of ecocide.

Uncovering the Truth Behind Hawaii Energy's Geothermal Toxins

For over 40 years, Hawaii Energy Agendas have cast a shadow over the pristine lands of Puna, on the lower east rift zone of Kīlauea Volcano, concealing the harsh reality of geothermal toxins that permeate the air, land, and water. While the company's operations may be shrouded in secrecy, the detrimental impacts on the environment and the local community have not gone unnoticed.

The Plight of Endangered Species: A Silent Cry for Help

As the geothermal drilling plant continues to operate unchecked, the unique flora and fauna that call Puna home are facing a perilous existence. Endangered endemic species are struggling to survive in the face of environmental degradation, cultural erasure, and the looming threat of extinction. The once-thriving ecosystem is now on the brink of collapse, all in the name of profit and exploitation.

Puna's Eco-Activism Initiatives: A Beacon of Hope

Amidst the chaos and censorship, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of Puna's eco-activism initiatives. #WeArePuna , #ItIsTimeWeBreathe and #AOLEPGV are rallying cries that echo through the community, calling for justice, accountability, and the protection of their cherished land. The grassroots movement is a testament to the power of unity and the unwavering determination of the people to stand up against corporate greed and environmental destruction.

Image: KahuPuna leaves a Ho'okupu (offering) for Tūtū Pele at the base of Fissure 8 within Leilani estates . That massive volcanic fissure used to be Luana street, with many beautiful thriving homesteads.

Exposing the Cover-Up: A Call to Action

The 2024 Hawaii Energy Geothermal injunction, filed by pro se Puna artist activsit and Paralegal Sara steiner, has pulled back the veil of deception, laying bare the harsh truth of the company's actions. The attempts to silence dissenting voices and censor information have only fueled the fire of resistance within Puna. It is time to break through the chains of censorship, shine a light on the atrocities being committed in the name of progress, and demand accountability for the irreversible damage caused by geothermal poisoning.

Standing in Solidarity with Puna

In the face of adversity and censorship, the people of Puna stand united against the forces that seek to destroy their land, their culture, and their way of life. #AolePGV serves as a symbol of resistance and resilience, a declaration that the community will not be silenced or erased in the pursuit of profit. It is time to come together, raise our voices, and fight for a future where nature thrives, communities flourish, and truth triumphs over deceit.

As we stand on the precipice of change, let us remember the words of Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Together, we can break through the censorship, protect the endangered species, and forge a path towards a sustainable future for Puna and beyond.

Puna's Eco-Activism

Image: Puna #KuKiai , from Keiki to Kupuna , came from all over to stand for Kīlauea volcano . Photo taken on the 3rd floor of the Hilo courthouse, immediately after the first hearing of the 2024 Hawaii Geothermal Injunction . Dead Center is Sara Steiner , filer of the Injunction against PGV, The county of Hawaii, and Zendo Kern (who couldnt be bothered to show up to court). Image courtesy of uncle Rocly Kalani on FB

Remember, the time for action is now. Will you stand with Puna in the fight against geothermal poisoning and censorship? Let your voice be heard and join the #AOLEPGV movement .

Together, we can make a difference.

Follow @KahuPuna #AlohaActivism on all platforms. Join the A'OLE PGV FB group . Start the conversation about the 40 year cover up out here past Pahoa on Moku O Keawe.

Check this blog and share all the articles out to your platforms as this is so censored it is the only way anyone will see it.

Mahalo ⚖️ ⚘️ 🌋



Also please help me continue to provide my concealed community with the information it needs. The goal is small. Clock here for my GoFundMe -->

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