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"A query, a question

I put to you,

Where is the water of Kane ?"

"At the Eastern Gate

Where the sun comes in at ha'eha'e

                 (Easternmost point of Hawaii)

There is the water of Kane"

A quote from a hula song composed in the popular question-and-answer repetitive form tells us what importance the Eastgate Kumukahi waters have culturally and traditionally in Hawaii .

See, It was at the time of the migration of Kane and Kanaloa from Kahiki that the "stones of Kane" were set up and the "waters of Kane" were brought forth from hills, cliffs and rocks".

This "water of Kane" "Water of Life" sacred area is within one of the 3 areas called the "Lands of the Gods " in Hawaiian legends and mythology. It is quoted being described in the Hawaiian myths and legends book as a water spring "beautifully transparent and clear. It's banks are splendid. It had three outlets : one for Ku, one for Kane, and one for Lono; and through these outlets the fish entered the pond. If the fish of this pond were thrown on the ground or on the fire, they did not die; and if a man had been killed and was afterwords sprinkled over with this water , he did soon come to life again."

The Easternmost point of Hawaii. This is the eastern most tip of Hawaii Island , Kumukahi , " where all life springs forth". Since the days of Kane and Kanaloa, we in the kumukahi coastal areas have had tūtū Pele make a home of Puna. We do live on Kīlaueas lower east rift zone after all. But once upon a time Kane considered Puna the most beautiful place in all the lands,  before Peles arrival from Kahiki that is- hence the quote "PUNA, HELD IN THE HEART OF KANE " ❤️‍🔥🙏,  and its most likely that this exact watering hole , Kane waters of life, has been covered multiple times with lava flows. But let's not let ourselves be so ignorant as to believe the sacredness is not still there. Let us not be so money hungry we continue to allow the erasure of our own sacred home and our religions and beliefs. Let's not allow the desecration and unregulated poisoning of all life in the place where Kane water of life lays, where Easterngate is , where all life springs forth to all other wahi pana, as well as our life force , our creation force,Tūtū Pele.

Its our kuleana to preserve these things and keep them alive for the next generations.

It still is the same area , with the same sacred waters around and within it, which are being completely poisoned and tainted by Puna Geothermal Venture in one of Hawaiian Traditions most sacred wahi pana. Its time we stop desecration of Eastgate Kumukahi.  Continue reading for more of why this area is so sacred.

First of all to understand Kane we must go back to ancient times of worship . As quoted in Hawaiian Mythology, pg 42: "Kane was the leading God among great gods named by the Hawaiians at the time of the missionaries in the islands. He represented the god of procreation and was worshiped as ancestor of chiefs and commoners. According to the possibly late edition of the Kumuhonua legend, he formed the three worlds : the upper heaven of the gods, the lower heaven above the earth, and the earth itself with a garden for mankind; the latter he furnished with sea creatures, plants , and animals, and fashioned man and woman to inhabit it."

 So . According to Hawaiian religion and traditions, the Easternmost tip of Hawaii , AKA Kumukahi AKA Puna Geothermal Venture Immediate radius , is probably one of the most, if not THE most , sacred life giving places in all of our culture as it encompasses the actual waters of life , and its where all life springs forth, according to hawaiian culture ,due to it being where the sun first touches .

So why does OHA (office of Hawaiian affairs) , and the Native Hawaiian Council work overtime to erase it from any cultiral event or educational materials ? Why does DHHL sell off Hawaiian homelands for volcano fracking when Native Hawaiians are dying off waiting on the list for said lands ?

For example we just had the Moku O Keawe Native Hawaiian Cultural Convention on Hawaii Island in waikoloa. I personally sent many many emails to the native hawaiian council asking why they purposely leave out the entire sacred wahi panas of the Puna district , including kumukahi where all life springs forth. They refused to respond to anything yet respond to others who contact via the website.   The website showed all other districts and sacred wahi pana from Hawaiian culture yet completely erased lower Puna which is where ALL sacred areas get its life traditionally. Even mauna kea gets life from kumukahi , which is giving forth nothing but cancer until we stop the desecration of Kīlauea volcano at the hands of Puna Geothermal venture.

It would seem that The native hawaiian cultural convention is an actual desecration of its own culture due to this fact because you cannot do that according to our own beliefs as Hawaiians. We are all one. This is not Aloha āina. Its erasure of āina for foreign profits. 

 ■■■ We will go very deep into this on the KahuPuna Aloha Activism; Aloha Ola O Ka Pono blog.  this specific article you are reading right now is about "Kanes water of life" at Kumukahi , and one of the main reasons why we must end the unmonitired and unregulated desecration of it .

 To quote Martha beckwith "The place is called 'Ladder of the Sun' and 'source of the sun' and here at the extreme eastern point of land of the whole group , where the sun rises up out of the sea , sun worshippers bring their sick to be healed." Pg 119 Hawaiian Mythology

As we see here, It's also the place "where ALL LIFE SPRINGS FORTH , with the god Kumukahi still being there, in red stone form, which I have made quite a few articles on already. Scroll the blog to see past articles, and you can also exit the blog to the main website to see the cultural studys and documents related to this area within the lerz Puna culture section.

In the legend of kumukahi section of the book it also tells us " The water which restores to life is a literal rendering of the practice by which the healing kahuna brings back a patient to life at eastern points of the island"

At this time in late 2024, Puna Geothermal Venture (ormat) is injecting 6 million gallons a day of extreme toxins into the lower east rift zone of the active kīlauea volcano (a mixture of water and extreme toxins and chemicals), and has been for the past 4 decades , completely unregulated and unmonitored and above all law on earth. This amounts to over 1 billion a year . Times 40, it equals ALOT . These are ormats own numbers they give us (see Aloha Activism YouTube channel for raw meetings with the plant workers who laugh at the elders in community who are crying due to gas in their homes , footage of them telling us "they SAY it's a closed loop system, BUT ITS NOT" , and telling us with smiles how extremely toxic the leilani estates fissures are and how "it's never been worse what's coming out of them" yet refusing to monitor anything at all when the community calls and reports and asks to come monitor . ) and there is no environmental monitoring at all. Never has been, no matter what they tell you in the media. 

The Puna district 4 rep Ashley kirkawitch, who was placed in her seat from her previous hastings and pleadwell carrerr-- pgv's lawyer firm) lies and tells the news and world that she is conducting a water study and how we are getting updated in the April 2024 pgv meeting, yet no water study is being conducted nor was there any updates for the community , we are all still waiting.

 The cover ups are royal, and the āina is dying out here in one of the Hawaiian Kingdoms most sacred Wahi Pana, the easternmost tip which contains the "waters of Kane" (wai-akua-a-Kane) and the "waters of life (wai-ola) of Kane". The effects the geothermal toxins are having on our waters of life must be addressed now.

Please help by joining the 'A'OLE PGV movement and helping to raise awareness and sparking conversations. This is headed to supreme court as we appealed the minute order by the lower judge ruling in favor of the Israeli volcano fracking entity even with all the proof and evidence a baby could have needed to see what's happening.  Many community members who are trying to fight to free our madame Pele from immense desecration are within this injunction and are demanding a fair trial which is a constitutional right. Unless the people of Hawaii start making noise they will think they can continue to conceal this .

Mahalo for hearing the people of Puna. Mahalo for hearing tūtū Pele .




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