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Exposing Toxic Secrets: Hawaii's Geothermal Crisis Unveiled

Hawaii Geothermal Energy

(Disclaimer, the images are Ai created, and it was so spooky to me how similar they are to leilani estates and the pgv created fissures there , which is why I kept them in the article)

In just 9 days, history will be made as the Pahoa community activist, artist, and paralegal, Sara Steiner, takes a groundbreaking step in the Hawaii Geothermal energy sector. This monumental event includes a diverse range of individuals, from the resilient Puna Community to dedicated geophysics scientists, from our poisoned and covered up backyards to the University of Miami geophysics department and more, all united by a common goal - to shed light on the environmental injustices plaguing their backyard.

Unmasking the Toxins: A Closer Look at Hawaii's Geothermal Corruption

For too long, the Hawaii community has suffered chronic issues stemming from toxic air, unregulated geothermal factories, and ongoing environmental degradation. The looming threat of toxic fissures and unmonitored facilities has cast a shadow over the once pristine landscapes of the Lower East rift Zone of Kīlauea Volcano, out past Pahoa, a area so many call home : the Kapoho to Kalapana coastal community, pushing its residents to the brink.

The time for change is now, and Sara Steiner's injunction is the beacon of hope that promises justice and accountability.

Environmental Crisis

Geophysics Scientists Unveil Startling Truths

Amidst the chaos and despair, geophysics scientists have played a crucial role in unraveling the harsh realities of Hawaii's geothermal landscape. Their meticulous studies and comprehensive research have laid bare the undeniable evidence that the geothermal industry has been poisoning the land and community for decades showing that all the while, certain entity's have been covering up any proofs and truths from being exposed to the people. The injunction declarations present a stark relity that this community is showing in their stories, backed by scientific proof, exposing 40 years of deception and misinformation.

July 26, 2024: A Date for Health and Justice

Community Activism

As the first hearing on July 26th, 2024, approaches, the Hawaii community stands on the precipice of change. The voices of the marginalized and the disenfranchised will finally be heard as the injunction seeks to rectify the long-standing injustices inflicted upon them. This pivotal moment marks a turning point in the fight against geothermal corruption, offering a glimmer of hope in an otherwise bleak scenario.

A Call to Action: Uniting Against Environmental Injustice

The time has come for us to stand in solidarity with the brave individuals at the forefront of this battle. Together, we can demand accountability, transparency, and most importantly, justice for the Hawaii community in crisis. Let us not shy away from the uncomfortable truths that surround us but instead, let us confront them head-on, armed with courage and determination.

In conclusion, the Hawaii Geothermal energy injunction spearheaded by Sara Steiner is more than just a legal proceeding—it is a symbol of resilience, unity, and unwavering dedication to the protection of our environment and our Puna community , one that has been mistreated and covered up while they are being gaslit for decades, all in the name of a lie (clean energy), and in turn also standing for Hawaii as a whole. Let us rally behind this cause, for the future of Hawaii and the generations to come depend on our actions today.

By adopting a confident tone and highlighting the significance of the impending injunction, this editorial aims to bring attention to the urgent need for environmental justice in Hawaii.

I humbly ask you to join us July 26th 2024 . Meet up 7:30 am for Pule (prayer) before we enter the courthouse. Hearing starts at 8 am. This will be going to trial (see my previous posts on it , familiarize yourself with all the documents and the gaslighting responses from the county and pgv . See the website (exit the blog to go to the main Aloha Activism We are Puna community website) , Read the declarations and see the proof for yourself.

Be a part of history ✨️

Be a part of a FREE HAWAII.








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