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Reimagining Online Engagement in the Age of Censorship; KahuPuna Global outreach. Educating the world on REAL Geothermal effects while battling the powers that be #AlohaActivism

In a world where free speech teeters on the brink of extinction, where our screens are flooded with distractions and the profound issues of our time are obscured by a never-ending feed of memes and advertisements, the crucial question arises: How do we, as a society, break free from the digital chaos and make a meaningful impact in our communities and the world at large?

Image: KahuPuna is dedicated to all the native endemic wildlife and all native souls in Puna Moku O Keawe . One of the most covered up and oppressed Hawaiian Communities to ever exist.

The Twilight Zone of Censorship

As Meta platforms tighten their grip on online discourse, the space for authentic dialogue and diverse perspectives shrinks. The looming shadow of censorship casts a pall over the once-vibrant landscape of the internet, leaving many feeling trapped in a digital twilight zone where control and conformity reign supreme.

Amidst this stifling atmosphere, the urgency of community activism becomes more pronounced than ever. Voices that challenge the status quo, advocate for marginalized groups, and champion environmental causes are increasingly marginalized, prompting us to question the true meaning of free speech in a world governed by algorithms and profit motives.

Embracing Aloha Activism: A Mission of Hope

Amidst the chaos and noise of the online world, a glimmer of hope emerges from the volcanic lands of Puna, Hawaii. The Aloha Activism movement, rooted in the values of compassion, unity, and environmental stewardship, seeks to free not just a region but also our collective consciousness from the shackles of apathy and exploitation.

At the heart of Aloha Activism lies a commitment to geothermal education and sustainable energy practices. In a world where elites plunder the planet for profit and endanger species teeter on the brink of extinction, the mission to liberate Puna from the clutches of volcano mining and fracking resonates as a beacon of inspiration for all who yearn for a more just and sustainable future.

Image: Madame Pele by Herb Kane . Puna Hawaii is Pele's realm and she is being extremely desecrated in the name of a lie : "clean" energy. Please see KahuPuna on tik tok and check this website for all details (exit blog to main website) .

Prioritizing Purpose over Distraction

In a culture addicted to the instant gratification of likes and shares, it's easy to get lost in the sea of online noise. The allure of scrolling through endless feeds of memes, viral videos, and celebrity gossip can be irresistible, but at what cost?

As life unfolds and moments pass us by, it becomes imperative to pause and reflect on where our attention truly lies. Are we content to be mere spectators in our own lives, or do we dare to reclaim our agency and engage with the world in a way that is meaningful and transformative?

A Call to Action

As we navigate the digital maze that threatens to engulf us, let us not forget the power we wield as individuals and as a collective. Each click, each share, each comment has the potential to shape narratives, uplift voices, and spark change.

Let us rise above the distractions that seek to numb our senses and instead channel our energy into causes that resonate with our values and beliefs. Whether it's advocating for free speech, supporting grassroots movements, or raising awareness about pressing environmental issues, our actions have the power to ripple out and create waves of positive change.

In conclusion, let us heed the call to embrace a new paradigm of online engagement—one rooted in purpose, authenticity, and solidarity. Together, we can break free from the confines of digital censorship and usher in a new era of connection, compassion, and meaningful impact. The time for change is now, and the power to shape our world lies in our hands.

Image: We hold the power in our hands to change our worlds if we could just stop being distracted and all rize. Let's Save our planet. Let's malama ā'ina- KahuPuna #AOLEPGV


As of August 18th 12pm I am being blocked from certain social medias again. Since posting this -->

"Sharing this from Aloha Activism pagr (FakeBook wont allow me to share it just as a post so in trying to upload the video and add link to it )

After 7 months of being up DLNR azz, they FINALLY halfway fixed the complete utter LIES and FALLACIES regarding the endangered endemic Hawaiian Hawk which is prevalent in puna geothermal venture Radius.

SUPER PROUD TO SAY THAT : this is Sugars Endangered Native Hawaii Wildlife Conservation & Animal Foundation 's (a KahuPuna sector) first official WIN 🏆 😀 👏 for the books 😭😭😭⚔️⚔️⚔️⚖️⚖️🦅🦅🦅🦅🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰✨️✨️✨️

(Press link for video of email correspondence from Hawaii forestry and Wildlife!)





Tik Tok-->


Lava you all.

Let's change the way we use social medias

Let's create our own Hawaiian Kingdom Social media platform.

Email me with your ideas 💡





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