In the heart of Hawaii, where beautiful landscapes meet rich cultural traditions, a silent crisis unfolds. The Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV), a power plant situated in this picturesque region, has sparked controversy for decades. Current flow testing practices at the facility have led to growing distress among residents, many of whom report alarming health symptoms. Emergency responders appear to overlook the urgent calls for help from the community, leaving both the land and people in distress.
Understanding the Puna Geothermal Venture
Puna Geothermal Venture has been operating in Hawaii Island for over 40 years, claiming to harness the Earth's geothermal energy sustainably. While developing alternative energy sources is vital in reducing reliance on fossil fuels, the ramifications of PGV's operations raise significant concerns yet noone in the state of Hawaii will addrrss them and protect the people.. (Regarding the health aspects : A Yale degree Doctor did a entire book on this and included even deaths that are linked to PGV. The book is entitled "Brain Robber: H2S the silent ki//er and how what you don't know may ki// you " it can be found on Amazon. It includes this covered up concealed community in Hawaii . )
With advancements in technology, geothermal energy has gained attention. There are global agendas for active volcano drilling and the media portrays it as some form of "clean energy", but the reality in Puna tells a different story. Residents have expressed concerns since the 1990's about health issues tied to emissions from PGV, prompting a growing demand for accountability and transparency.
Despite claiming that there have never been any health studies conducted, District 4 representative Ashley Kierkiewicz fails to address, and continues to conceal, the issues within the community she pledged to serve. She also falsely promises a water study to the newspapers and media but fails to deliver on such studies.
The entire environment surrounding Puna Geothermal Venture is completely cancer-saturated with the active geothermal fissures , created in 2018 during PGV water quenching, poisoning all within its radius from Leilani Estates to Pohoiki to Kapoho and beyond.
The Impact of Flow Testing
Currently, PGV is engaged in flow testing, a process aimed at assessing the capacity and efficiency of geothermal wells. Unfortunately, this testing has had devastating effects on the local community. Preliminary reports show that numerous residents are suffering from respiratory problems, burning chest lungs and eyes, skin irritations, and other serious health conditions, all of which they believe are related to the emissions from the geothermal plant.

Puna natives have shared heart-wrenching stories, attributing their ailments directly to emissions from the plant. Symptoms often worsen during and after testing periods, leading to deep concern among the community. H2s poisoning is no joke, but this is so much more then just H2S. It's filled with geothermal toxins which are all cancer causing. (You can find all the community in radius first hand reports of being hung up on, ignored, getting very sick, gas clouds in their homes middle of the night , etc in the A'OLE PGV Facebook group )
Ignoring the Emergency
As the situation declines, one might expect a caring response from emergency services. Sadly, that has not been the case. Residents have reported that their pleas for help—with urgent health emergencies—are often met with indifference or dismissal. Calls for assistance frequently go unreturned, leaving families feeling abandoned in their time of need (see above video. Press pause to read the reports)
Frustrated by this lack of support, community members have banded together, organizing meetings and rallies to raise awareness of their plight and demand action. Yet, despite their efforts, they often feel unheard.
Environmental and Health Consequences
It is imperative to acknowledge the environmental consequences of PGV. Local residents argue that the plant's emissions are causing harm to the ecosystem, leading to the deterioration of native plants and animals. Puna, Hawaii, is a profoundly sacred location, with the area surrounding Puna Geothermal Venture serving as a crucial habitat for numerous endangered and threatened endemic species ( see here --> )
Long-term exposure to geothermal gases, such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), can lead to severe health issues. Research indicates that individuals exposed to these gases are at a heightened risk for respiratory diseases, neurological issues, and other serious conditions including cancer. Many people in radius have cancer and have passed from it the last 4 decades but yet the county of hawaii and Hawaii department of health refuse to do any health or environmental studies.
As the land suffers, the people do as well, pulling at the very fabric of this once-vibrant community.
Why Are Authorities Ignoring the Residents?
Despite overwhelming evidence of health-related issues linked to PGV, authorities seem to prefer silence over action. This raises a critical question: Why are officials ignoring the residents?
Many believe this neglect stems from a mix of political interests, economic incentives, and a general lack of urgency regarding environmental problems. Larger energy producers often possess significant influence in local politics, causing residents’ complaints to fall on deaf ears in favor of potential profit.
Furthermore, the residents of Puna, though vocal, represent a smaller faction within the broader narrative of state energy goals aimed at transitioning to renewable sources. This power dynamic often leaves them feeling overlooked and powerless.
Community Mobilization and the Path to Change
Despite these obstacles, the Puna community is determined to demand change. Grassroots movements are emerging, calling on local leaders to listen to their concerns. Community forums are being organized to empower residents to share their experiences and seek the justice they deserve.
Education and awareness are crucial. The community is starting to work with environmental organizations, scientists, and health professionals willing to investigate the direct connections between PGV emissions and health issues. Together, they aim to build evidence that cannot be dismissed.
Residents are encouraged to document their experiences and compile data on health impacts. This information will serve as a potent tool in advocating for transparency and accountability from PGV and relevant authorities and report them in the A'OLE PGV Facebook group as well as keep their own records of times of gassings and symptoms .
The people of Puna have filed 36 lawsuits in the last 36 years trying to help Free the āina (land/people/water/air/wildlife) , and are currently in the unprecedented 2024 Hawaii geothermal injunction , we need the world to share everything out to their own pages to help the fight. The judge ruked in favor of the above all law on earth Puna Geothermal Venture , so we are headed to appeal supreme court. Stay updated in the A'OLE PGV Facebook group and on KahuPuna Aloha Activism Social medias (tik tok, Instagram, Facebook, X , YouTube)
Seeking Support and Solutions
For meaningful change, the Puna community needs allies both locally and globally. They are calling for:
Transparent Monitoring: Independent monitoring of emissions to ensure residents receive accurate information about air and ground quality that doesn't include the lies and cover ups that usgs and hvo and pgv and the county are all entangled in.
Health Assessments: Comprehensive health assessments for residents to gauge the full scope of impacts, not the false promises that never get fulfilled by ashley Kierkiewicz who is a pgv pawn placed in her district seat by hastings and pleadwell, Puna Geothermal Ventures lawyer firm.
Immediate Response Protocols: Improvement of communication lines between residents and emergency responders for timely reactions to health crises, not whats been happening currently during flow testing which is being ignored and hung up on by civil defence etc.
Regulatory Enforcement: Pressure on local and state officials to enforce existing environmental regulations that may have been neglected, not the current stance where we "don't step on toes" . Hello. Our keiki to kupuna are being actively gassed and poisoned , our culture erased , madame Pele ra%ed and pillaged daily and all life in radius is concealed and covered up . Let's remember our KULEANA. let's MAKE NOISE .
Community Grants: Establishment of grants aimed at providing financial support for families affected by health issues, which is something kahuPuna ( a Hawaiian Kingdom Community organization ) will work very hard to bring to the people of puna Geothermal venture radius for actual community ahupua'a revival, not the scams we have currently underway in kumukahi which are enabling Puna Geothermal Venture.
It is essential for external groups, such as environmental organizations and advocates, to join forces with the #WeArePuna #aolepgv community. By combining resources and expertise, they can amplify their voice and raise awareness about the urgent need for action. Please email KahuPuna at if you can help the Puna community in their fight to free Mādame Pele fron immense desecration and cultiral erasure. Together we can save our worlds.
Rising Together for Change
As the Puna community battles the repercussions of the Puna Geothermal Venture and its flow testing practices, it is vital to amplify their cries for help. The residents of this beautiful region deserve to live in a healthy environment, free from the threats of pollution and disease. The keiki of ka āina (children of the land) deserve to breathe. Keiki to kupuna, they deserve a chance.
Creating a sustainable energy landscape is not without challenges. However, it becomes detrimental when health and nature are compromised for energy production. The Puna community should not face this silent suffering alone. They need recognition, support, and, most importantly, action from authorities and allies.
In the spirit of Aloha, let us unite to promote the well-being of both the land and its people. Together, we can illuminate the path forward, advocating for justice and fostering a future where both the environment and residents can thrive.
Check this website for the current legal battle and follow Kahupuna on Tuk ton and Instagram . Come in person to our call to actions.