Geothermal energy is often promoted as a clean and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. However, this claim overshadows harsh realities in areas like Puna, Hawaii, where residents face significant health problems associated with geothermal developments. Many individuals ridicule these health concerns due to prevalent misconceptions about geothermal energy's safety. This blog post aims to highlight the serious consequences of such dismissive attitudes, particularly in light of the Puna community's decades-long fight for recognition and accountability regarding their health struggles during the unprecedented 2024 Hawaii Geothermal Injunction.
Understanding Geothermal Energy and Its Risks
Geothermal energy harnesses heat from the Earth’s interior to produce electricity and provide heating solutions. While it is indeed less carbon-intensive compared to fossil fuels, there are notable safety and health risks that often go overlooked.
In Puna, the geothermal plant known as Puna Geothermal Venture has been the focal point of numerous health complaints. Residents report a variety of respiratory issues and other ailments. For instance, a survey conducted in 2020 revealed that over 50% of residents near the plant experienced worsening respiratory conditions after emissions were reported. Anecdotal evidence suggests that these ailments stem from emissions, which include harmful gases and toxins, which are not fully , or not at all, recognized or addressed by any authorities in the state or County of Hawaii.
The Gaslighting of Health Concerns
Gaslighting often occurs in communities facing health crises. In Puna, dismissive responses from authorities create an environment that feels like neglect. This leaves residents feeling unheard, amplifying their distrust toward industrial narratives that assert geothermal energy is completely safe.
When noone will collect any health data, nor do any water sampling or studies, nor allow any seismic monitoring, why in the world would humanity believe its safe in any way? When the native community is crying out for decades, those who live in the radius, telling the world how bad it is, why does humanity still state such ridiculous things as ts not happening? - Aloha Activism
The chronic minimization of their concerns exacerbates mental anguish. When residents are met with laughter or mockery instead of empathy, it fosters a culture where serious health issues are ignored. The ongoing dismissal perpetuates a cycle of suffering, isolating those genuinely at risk and reinforcing a misleading narrative about geothermal energy's safety.
Residents of Hawaii island, specifically in the east rift zone of Kīlauea volcano, have endured this situation for an extended period. It has even reached the point where the managers of the Ormat plant laugh in the faces of the weeping elderly during PGV community meetings in Pahoa, as these seniors plead for assistance because of toxic gas clouds invading their homes at night. They also confirm with their own mouths how bad the Leilani fissures are ( see youtube channel for lots of raw meeting footage). Somethings gotta give.

The Role of Misinformation
Misinformation is central to the concerns surrounding Puna Geothermal Venture. Research has shown that geothermal energy production can emit hazardous gases, notably hydrogen sulfide and other toxins, which pose serious health risks. In fact, studies reveal that exposure to hydrogen sulfide can lead to symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, and long-term respiratory issues, even death. Long term exposure is even worse and has crippling central nervous system issues, etc (see video below, book is by a medical doctor who studied Puna Geothermal Venture and its health effects).
Although geothermal energy advocates frequently highlight its clean energy status, they often overlook discussing potential health impacts. In Puna, Hawaii, it appears that all media outlets are influenced by Ormat, as the community writes them all weekly , which noone awill address or publish in 'my views" for example, yet they all jump on any pro geothermal post. We deal with Ormat placed representatives like Ashley Kirkawitch (Puna district 4 seat) and Gregor Illigan (Puna state representative) have been spreading falsehoods, such as claiming a health study was conducted or that a water study is planned for early 2024. Ashley falsely assured the public in newspapers, yet no water study has been conducted, nor does she intend to conduct one. This misinformation results in public oversight and reduces accountability from geothermal operators, enabling them to operate with minimal concern for local health effects.
"The burden of proof often falls on the shoulders of affected residents. Their experiences should not be dismissed or mocked; rather, they should be part of a constructive dialogue aimed at accountability and transparency." -Jasmine Steiner Aloha Activism
The Forgotten Voices of Puna
For over 40 years, the Puna community has faced health issues linked to geothermal operations. Residents have diligently documented their struggles in medical literature, in lawsuits (36 in the past 36 years including the current active 2024 geothermal injunction), and in their own blogs, books and journalism , and a whole lot of community activism. In all the years of documentations, it all points to significant health problems, and even deaths related to emissions from the geothermal plant. In a chilling instance, between 2015 and 2020, reports indicated a 30% increase in hospital visits for respiratory issues among local residents.
Nevertheless, the narrative surrounding geothermal energy in Hawaii remains largely unchallenged other then the concealed Puna community within its radius. Many still place undue trust in the claims of "clean" energy without delving deeper into the serious issues raised by the local population. Many people still resist learning anything new, even when presented with a video of a child in a doctor's office on a breathing machine due to geothermal issues, and somehow convince themselves it's not occurring. It's truly bizarre. Personally, I can't comprehend how someone can ignore what's happening right in front of them, as when i see a child suffering, it affects me and I want to know how to help, not automatically call the parent, and actual doctor, crazy.
The continuous disregard for these health concerns raises an urgent question: when will society genuinely acknowledge the plight of those living in Puna Geothermal Venture radius? The persistent neglect results in a widespread indifference towards the indigenous community, who have faced cultural and environmental challenges for a long time. Their human and constitutional rights are ignored and denied, including the right to a trial in the 2024 injunction, which Judge Nakamoto dismissed. This constitutional right is currently being appealed to the Supreme Court. Additionally, their health is deteriorating with little hope of recovery in the near future.
The Demand for Accountability
In light of the health issues linked to geothermal energy, the Puna community rightfully demands monitoring and accountability. Affected communities need sustained scientific research focused on tracking emissions and their health implications.As of today, December 29th, 2024, there isn't a single genuine air or seismic monitor in place. Websites falsely display green air quality indicators (green, indicating good air quality), with the nearest air monitor located in Pahoa, far from the affected region. The geothermal toxins are heavier than air and follow wind paths in low-lying areas, adhering to the land's topography. Puna Geothermal Venture has a few deceptive monitors, pretending to monitor for the community, but these monitors are positioned uphill and upwind, far above the level at which the gas travels, rendering them meaningless.
Lives rely on this monitoring, and even Hawaii County collaborates with the Israeli-owned company Ormat to hide the severity of the situation. Unfortunately, everything has been clearly documented by the Puna community, allowing the world to learn about the cover-ups and corruption, and its all detailed within the injunction. This information is publicly available online at ecourtkokua and can also be accessed on this website (exit this blog article to the main website).
Local and state authorities need to invest in joint efforts with residents to guarantee that geothermal projects are managed transparently and responsibly. Regular monitoring of geothermal emissions and their impacts should be prioritized. This is essential because 40 years without emissions checks or regulation has resulted in significant irreversible damage to both humans and endangered endemic wildlife.
Residents in Puna are not against geothermal energy without cause. They demand the accountability that every energy-producing operation must uphold. Highlighting the negative impacts and the serious daily cover-ups happening is not the same as opposing clean energy; rather, it calls for a responsible and transparent approach. People do not deserve to suffer and be covered up for so long in the name of a lie #PUNALIVESMATTER.
We must remember that injecting 6 million gallons a day (as per Ormat's own figures provided in their public meetings) of carcinogenic substances beneath our homes into Kīlauea volcano is far from clean. Introducing foreign matter into a natural object alters its natural state; this is basic science. The misinformation they spread is evident from the lack of truth regarding the fracking of Kīlauea. A scientist cannot conduct a comprehensive study of Kīlauea volcano without considering its most dangerous aspect: the unmonitored and unregulated fracking.

Urgency for Action
The ongoing issues surrounding geothermal energy in Puna, Hawaii, highlights the dangers of misinformation and the impact of trivializing serious health concerns. Mocking legitimate health issues only adds to the distress faced by those affected by geothermal emissions.
As a society, it is vital that we begin to recognize the challenges faced by communities like Puna. We must demand more than superficial safety commitments. Only through validation, advocacy, and rigorous monitoring can we hope to protect the health and well-being of all who reside near geothermal plants.
The Puna community deserves not just acknowledgment but also action to ensure their right to a safe environment. As we reflect on these concerns, let’s unite in solidarity and commit to support the well-being of those impacted by industrial practices. Puna will continue to raise its voice, and it is time for the rest of the world to listen.
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