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Unveiling the Ecological Crisis: Hawaii's Hawks and the Battle Against Ecocide

Updated: Jul 28

Official KahuPuna announcement: I have been officially banned from Facebook since July 26, 2024. Facebook was a crucial platform for my community to remain informed about the threats in their surroundings (God forbid that 40 years of deceit towards the Hawaiians and the people of Hawaii are revealed). Kindly share this article about the endangered 'io on YOUR Facebook. Thank you, it greatly benefits the 'Io and all of Puna. Additionally, please follow on Instagram/Tik Tok.


In the midst of Hawaii's lush landscapes and vibrant biodiversity lies a troubling reality - the endangerment of the majestic 'io Hawaiian hawk due to the unchecked exploitation of critical habitats by the Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV). The Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) website, tasked with safeguarding these precious species, stands accused of disseminating fallacies that enable the continuation of environmental desecration. It's a narrative of ecological devastation, where profit trumps preservation, and the consequences are dire.

The Io Hawaiian Hawk: A Symbol of Hawaii's Fragile Ecosystem

Image: One of the numerous 'Io (Hawaiian Hawk) residents in the Pohoiki coastal areas is pictured here. These hawks in images above and below have been residing outside KahuPuna's farm on Pohoiki road since 2018 , see link below for details of this day and lots of cultural information on the 'io.

The 'io Hawaiian hawk, a creature deeply intertwined with Hawaii's cultural and ecological heritage, now finds itself under threat. Endemic to the islands, these magnificent birds symbolize power, vision, and grace. Yet, their habitat, particularly along the Pohoiki coast of Hawaii Island, is in grave danger. This concentrated area, rich in biodiversity and critical for the 'io's survival, is being eroded at an alarming rate by the encroachment of PGV's operations.

Please see this article for the Ohana of 'Io that live on my farm as well as all the cultural information about them here -->ākua

A Tale of Ecocide: The Impact of Geothermal Toxins on Wildlife

PGV's geothermal activities not only jeopardize the 'io hawk but also pose a profound threat to the delicate ecosystem that sustains numerous endangered species. The toxins released into the air and water from these operations not only disrupt the natural balance but also poison the very lifelines of Hawaii's diverse flora and fauna. The once-pure air is now tainted, and the pristine waters are becoming reservoirs of contamination, marking the slow demise of a once-thriving ecosystem.

Conspiracy of Silence: DLNR's Alleged Complicity in Ecological Destruction

Image: Jasmine Steiner of KahuPuna receives a response after 5 months of persistent emails sent to DLNR regarding the extreme fallacies on their websites about one of Hawaii Island's most sacred endangered species. Others who email them get responses same day . The corruption is plain as Day. They say they "agree" yet do not correct said fallacies . It takes me 15 minutes to create a fully functional complete website on my smartphone. There is no way DLNR is still "working on updating" these facts.

The Hawaii DLNR, entrusted with the conservation of Hawaii's natural resources, stands at a crossroads. Reports suggest that misinformation on their website serves to create a facade of compliance while turning a blind eye to the irreversible damage unfolding in the 'io hawk's habitat. Questions loom large about the motivations behind these fallacies, with speculations pointing towards vested interests and the shadow of corruption.

Call to Action: Ending the Ecocide and Preserving Hawaii's Heritage

As concerned citizens and stewards of the environment, we cannot afford to remain silent in the face of such ecological peril. The time to act is now. It is imperative to hold accountable those who prioritize profit over the protection of endangered species and their habitats. The royalties derived from geothermal activities should serve the interests of conservation and not perpetuate the destruction of Hawaii's natural wonders.

In conclusion, the plight of the 'io Hawaiian hawk is a stark reminder of our responsibility to safeguard the treasures of Hawaii for future generations. By shedding light on the fallacies perpetuated by the Hawaii DLNR and the ecological travesty unfolding at the hands of PGV, we hope to ignite a flame of action in the hearts of all who cherish the islands' biodiversity. Let us join hands to end this ecocide and pave the way for a sustainable future where the 'io hawk soars freely, and Hawaii's ecosystems flourish once more.

Together, we can be the voice of change and the guardians of Hawaii's ecological heritage.

Aloha always




Please see the blog for lots of other great information and Puna articles , for example the day one of the Hawaii Geothermal Injunction to save Moku O Keawe is listed before this one in the blog and can be found here -->

There is a pressing need for a solution to sustain this platform and keep everyone informed about the real situation on the ground in Puna #aolepgv. If you are able to assist, kindly consider donating here to help purchase an affordable laptop for my KahuPuna community website and operations. Your contribution is crucial in this endeavor. The communities in these areas are facing severe poverty, and I manage everything using my personal time and resources.

Even 5 or 10 dollars gets me well on my way to the goal of $300.



SEO Keywords: Hawaii DLNR fallacies on website, endangered hawaiian hawk, critical habitat being erased, geothermal toxins, poisoned air water, corrupt royalties from geothermal fund Hawaii County, need to end this ecocide

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