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KahuPuna's official LERZ Puna Emergency Readiness Guide: Surviving Geothermal Threats and Volcanic Disasters

Updated: Jul 29

In the enchanting lands of Puna, Hawaii, down on the Lower East Rift Zone of Kīlauea Volcano, where Mother Nature paints her most vibrant hues, lies a silent danger that lurks beneath the surface. The foreign owned geothermal plant, Puna Gethermal Venture, poses a looming threat to the residents, veiled by the shadows of greed and royalties. In the face of an emergency, be it a toxic H2S well release, a hurricane or storm, or a volcanic eruption triggered by reckless drilling, knowing how to navigate the perilous waters without official guidance becomes a matter of survival,

Especially because the Puna community must depend solely on themselves to stay informed and vigilant about their safety in relation to PGV.

Image: The 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption resulted in a river of massive lava engulfing multiple thriving neighborhoods, a phenomenon scientifically documented and detailed for public knowledge in the 2024 Hawaii Geothermal Injunction. This event was significantly impacted by the actions of Puna Geothermal Venture, particularly their practice of injecting large volumes of cold water into an active lava flow beneath Leilani, which contributed to the escalation and explosive characteristics of the eruption.

When Crisis Strikes: How to Stay Safe

1. Education is Key

Knowledge is power when it comes to safeguarding yourself in emergency situations regarding Puna Geothermal Venture, AKA PGV. Understand the signs of an impending disaster - be it the pungent odor of extreme burning plastic and hair that riddles Leilani estates Kupono streets and surrounding 24/7 since 2018, or the extremely dangerous H2S geothermal steam, or the ominous rumblings of an awakening volcano. Familiarize yourself with the one amd only sole evacuation route if you live out past Pahoa, and your safe zones.

2. Establish Communication Channels

In times of crisis, communication can be a lifeline. Create a network of trusted individuals within your community to relay vital information and check on each other's well-being. While cell reception may falter, having alternate communication methods in place can make all the difference. I personally am working on looking into ham radio and cb radio for us as a community on the pohoiki to kalapana coast.

3. Emergency Preparedness Kit

Prepare a well-stocked emergency kit containing essentials like water, non-perishable food, first aid supplies, and protective gear. Include items specific to geothermal threats, such as respirators for H2S exposure, ensuring you are equipped to face any scenario head-on. Close all your windows and even get air purifiers for your home for the evening when the air is the worst in the surrounding areas of PGV.

4. Seek Higher Ground

In the event of a volcanic eruption, elevation can be your greatest ally. Head towards higher ground to minimize exposure to ash and gases. Stay informed about wind patterns to avoid moving towards hazardous zones unknowingly. The gas is heavier then air , and goes with the topography of the land. This means every day it seeps out of all the 24 active kilaiea geothermal leilani fissures and makes it's way down to the pohoiki MacKenzie areas . Example here of the active kupuno geothernal fissures-->

Navigating the Geothermal Plant Crisis

When a noxious H2S well release threatens your safety, swift action is critical. Here's what you can do:

  • Protective Measures : If you detect the foul odor of H2S gas, cover your nose and mouth with a wet cloth to filter the air. Keep in mind that every home in PGV radius, shouldl have home respirators for every person, incase of any emergency. Move to higher ground if possible to escape the heavier gas concentrations closer to the ground.

  • No Escape Roads : In situations where escape routes are limited, shelter in place by sealing windows and doors to prevent the gas from seeping indoors. Stay tuned to emergency broadcasts for further instructions. Follow any orders from civil defense or authorities who come into your areas .

Surviving the Volcanic Eruption

Amidst the chaos of a volcanic eruption caused by drilling into the world's most active volcano, strategic decisions can save lives:

  • Evacuation Routes : Familiarize yourself with alternative evacuation routes, steering clear of areas susceptible to lava flows and ash fallout. In the absence of official guidance, rely on community-driven initiatives for real-time updates. If you live on the pohoiki to kalapana coast , things will be hectic as we all try to funnel out.

Embracing Resilience in the Face of Adversity

In moments of crisis, unity and resilience shine brightest. Despite the challenges posed by geothermal threats and volcanic disasters, the spirit of Puna perseveres. By arming yourself with knowledge, preparedness, and communal support, you pave the way for a safer tomorrow amidst uncertainty.

Geothermal Plant

An image showing a vast river of lava on the left and the Puna Geothermal Venture on the right. This image conveys a powerful message. #AOLEPGV

Conclusion: A Call to Action

As the echoes of nature's fury reverberate through the landscape, let us stand united in our quest for safety and preparedness. The path ahead may be fraught with dangers, but with vigilance, solidarity, and a steadfast spirit, we can navigate the storm and emerge stronger on the other side. Puna, a land of resilience and courage, beckons us to embrace the challenges and triumphs that lie on the horizon.

In the heart of Aloha spirit, let us forge a future where emergency readiness is not a choice but a way of life.

Heed the Call. Stay Vigilant. Prepare for the Unknown. #PunaLivesMatter #AOLEPGV #KAHU #PUNA ##pohoikicivildefence #ALOHAAINA







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