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LERZ PUNA News Blog: MOKU O KEAWE news HEADLINES of the Day 06-19-2024

Updated: Jun 19

Alooooha Beautiful PunaVerse !

Here's the days top 5 Headlines from around the media's , all the Moku O Keawe, Puna Hawaii relevant news articles of the day you have here. I compile them into one blog post for you ( along with my commentary on most of them), taking the work out of searching yourself for Puna centered daily news !

Here you go:

☆ 061924 request for help--> MISSING since October 2023 #PUNA MAN JUSTIN FERRERA :

"Justin Kawika Ferreira was reportedly last seen on Oct. 21, 2023, in Kea‘au. He was wearing camouflage pants and no shirt.

Ferreira is 5 feet 7 inches tall, approximately 175 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes.

The 33-year-old is known to frequent the Hilo, Puna and Kona areas; his family is deeply concerned for his wellbeing."

"Police ask anyone who may have information relative to the disappearance of Ferreira to call Detective David Po’ohina of the Area I Criminal Investigation Section, at 808-961-2385, or via email at or the police department’s non-emergency number at 808-935-3311. "

☆Major Contradictions from Puna Rep Ashley Kirka requesting R&D "audit" :

(guys. For context: Know that THERE IS A PETITION WITH OVER 100 KĪLAUEA RECOVERY VICTIMS that is ACTIVE AND DEMANDING A FULL FINANCIAL AUDIT AND INVESTIGATION OF HER AND REVITALIZE PUNA, KILAUEA RECOVERY , AND EVERY CENT drawn up of the over 100 million hawaii got from fema for the 2018 kīlauea eruption in our backyards , that noone in the actual disaster areas has yet to see ANY RECOVERY FROM as they tell you all up past Pahoa weve recovered so well !)

in this article here, she states “I’ve been on the council going on about 5 and a half years now and I’ve always been curious about the sort of very fluid nature of the Department of Research and Development, said Kierkiewicz during Tuesday’s meeting. “I’ve been very curious about the additional kuleana [responsibility] that it’s been taking on over the last few years, kind of going beyond what’s articulated in the charter and county code.”

SHE TALKS ABOUT NOTICING RED FLAGS , YET THERES 114 RED FLAGS RAISED ON HER AZZ BY KĪLAUEA RECOVERY VICTIMS ----> see here WWW.CHANGE.ORG LERZKILAUEARECOVERY , FOR 2 YEARS NOW, and she ignores it completely yet acts like she wants to audit R&D due her few personal red flags she's raised LOLLLL. What way to Deflect, Ashley .

"The Hawai‘i County Council wants to know exactly what the Hawai‘i County Department of Research and Development is doing and if its resources are being used effectively. Council members on Tuesday during a meeting of their Committee on Governmental Operations and External Affairs unanimously moved forward Resolution 539 with a favorable recommendation.

The measure requests the county auditor to conduct a performance audit of the R&D Department, with an emphasis on reviewing how its duties and responsibilities line up with the County Charter and code and keying in on the process for awarding discretionary grant funds along with determining how those funds impact the community."

Big Island now original news article here --->

..............Speaking of Kīlauea #SaveKilauea #AolePGV🌋⚖️🌋⚖️😭😭🔥🔥⚔️⚔️🙏🙏 :

☆Kilauea Volcano Earthquakes Increase, Inflation Noted By USGS:

HAWAIʻI VOLCANOES NATIONAL PARK - Earthquakes and inflation in the summit and upper rift zones have resumed the slightly elevated behavior after a two-day lull.

"(BIVN) – Kīlauea is not erupting and the USGS Alert Level for the Hawaiʻi island volcano remains at ADVISORY.

Over the past day, an increase in earthquake counts and elevated rates of inflationary ground deformation were noted by the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. The slightly elevated behavior was observed in the summit and upper rift zones, following a two-day lull.

Any additional or renewed increase in seismicity and/or deformation could result in new eruptive episodes within or near the summit region,” scientists repeated. "

They fail to tell you that when this happens they take the single only camera that thousand people rely on down the rift offline , purposely,_when our lives depend on it. The one and only single #usgs camera that monitors the leilani estates geothermal well/fissure lines

(yes, the well/fissure line created from them blowing up our neighborhood in 2018 when the lava was coming down , as she always had before, to try to naturally pass under us to Her ocean entry at kumukahi, but now , as we saw in 2018 and have scientifically proven legally, She , PELE, can never again, due to 40 years of turning the entire LERZ INTO weak azz HAMBURGER UNDERNEATH US via idiotically fracking lerz kīlauea for so long.)..

HVO PURPOSELY TURNS this OFFLINE WHEN THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHAT MAY HAPPEN IF SHE COMES DOWN RIFT. No, im not being.dramatic, and yes, i do have the "reciepts", its all over my websites , as well as the cover ups for pgv within our injunction for you to see for yourself. guys. Just so you know, this IS completely UNNACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR BY USGS AND HVO, WHO absolutely have been ACTIVELY ENABLING , AND COVERING, FOR PGV FOR DECADES. Lives depend on this injunction now in 2024. It Is that serious. #sos

Full article from BIVN here on today's 061924 kīlauea activity --->

☆AARP Hawai‘i, Nā Leo TV to host forum with Big Island mayor candidates:

AARP Hawai‘i and Nā Leo TV will host the four leading candidates in the 2024 race for Hawai‘i County mayor as part of a forum from 6 to 7 p.m. July 10.

It will be a chance for the mayoral hopefuls to to share their views about the future of the Big Island and answer questions from the public. Voters can attend the forum in person at Aunty Sally Kaleohano’s Lū‘au Hale, located at 799 Piilani St. in Hilo, by reserving a seat online here---> . Registration is also available by calling 877-926-8300 or by visiting the AARP Hawai‘i Facebook page and clicking on “Events” under the drop down menu."

I personally need to figure out if ashley js still now at na Leo tv. When we started doing talk story sessions as aole pgv movement and the community would go to na Leo to film, all of a sudden "Ashley kirka" was gonna then be in charge of na Leo. You now can't find ANY of the episodes regarding the geothermal and all the extremely _hard work and great interviews my_mom and uncle Pali, aunty_ Emily, Bob, larry, literally_everyone from the movement gave great interviews, .yet not one is findable online .. this is a huge thing, censored from all angles from you, the people, seeing it. It's why i am doing what i am doing, and will NEVER back down until all is exposed. Ashley is one of the hugest pgv puppets, as we all see daily as the Puna Residents that fill her pockets, it's the only sngle reason she is the district 4 rep, because she doesn't rep anyone down here in this district,, she reps PGV .

This article of na leos weird forum, makes me think of our Puna forum, Roth himself, our current mayor, told me face to face when we were sitting with him and Ben cole, my mom and another community member at laulima Pahoas meet your candidate forum 2 weeks ago at kaimu that :


in regards to coming down to the Puna peoples election forum.

And wow. How absolutely eye opening to hear. As we already know Puna gets the poo end of the sticks, but for the mayor to tell us in person that his colleagues actually said to him "WHY EVEN BOTHER WITH THEM DOWN KALAPANA" SHOULD TELL ANYONE ANYTHING THEY NEED TO KNOW when it comes to how we are treated down here by the ones who "rep" us. Even Ashely herself is way to scared to ever come to a forum put on by the people she claims to rep. It's absolutely time to overhaul this ENTIRE SYSTEM, #HULIDASYSTEM NOW.

Article here-->

☆Hawaii Island native to lead team USA in Tahiti :

"Big wave surfer Shane Dorian has been selected to coach the U.S. Olympic surf team in Tahiti in late July.

For more Local News from Hawaii News Now: https:/ For more YouTube Content: / @hawaiinews "


That was LERZ PUNA News Blogs top 5 Moku O Keawe Puna Headlines for you

Thanks for being here guys.

working on getting all blog posts funneled into categories so you know where to look for each thing. The blog here on Aloha Activism website will include ALOT of kilauea and #AOLEPGVMOVEMENT updates , it will have your daily top 5 puna news articles, and it will have the who what when where and why category , etc etc im happy to have you all here for the ride. If theres anything you want to see me do a blog artcle on that relates to Puna, please email me at

Eye Lava you Xox Never forget,

the PunaVerse is better with YOU in it


kahu puna

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