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Ormat in Iceland


"Iceland Volcano Update: Rush to Block Lava From Engulfing Power Plant

Published on Newsweek , Jun 21, 2024 at 9:54 AM EDT

The latest eruption, which began in late May, is the fifth in the area since December 2023. It has been marked by vigorous lava flows, some of the highest recorded in recent activity, covering main roads and threatening infrastructure in Grindavík and surrounding areas.

Emergency teams have been using water from fire trucks to cool the advancing lava, Iceland Review reported. Although simple, this method requires large amounts of water and heavy-duty pumps."

Uhhh? Wait, what?!? Are they ok???? No words. Legit speechless. (And that's hard to do with me) keep going to see more of what's really behind the Iceland eruption...

Full Newsweek article here --->

Here's a gem:

.....Can we not learn from our mistakes people !!? 😭🌋🙄

if you have been following me for some time on any of my socials (I am not new in this scene, even though my website and this blog within it may be ) you have been seeing me put together every eruption , from before the first of this most recent string in iceland which started last year... I've been linking them with these here. ... (And so can you, it just takes accurate research, no news in the world will tell you the truth regarding all this)...

Yes. "Scientific are predicting it" because THEY ARE CAUSING IT with the experiments and volcanic mining, and the world needs to really try to pay attention man. They explain it all for us, but sadly most are to busy watching biased news and listening to others without doing their own due diligence and dig themselves as well ..

Full article here of the scientists plans to expirement in Iceland (published a bit before the other propaganda articles about how awesome they are for "predicting" the etuptions magically. Natratives GALORE )---->

Stay tuned. Will update this with more tomorrow 062224 , for now I must fall asleep. Just got home from work and its after 1am . My body is begging for some ZZZ's, but I couldn't fall asleep knowing this was not In the blog . The ormat plant in iceland IS the same as the one in Puna Hawaii, and the actions they are taking are the same. Quenching wells with millions of gallons of water to try to save them , which we've already Scientifically proven years ago os what BLEW UP OUR NEIGHBORHOOD (yes. See here please process this information. It is NOT cons pir acy --->

And are now about to enter a major hawaii geothernal injunction on July 26th with them (See website for the injunction and declarations within it).

The people of grindavik also deserve justice in my opinion.


Tine we save Tutu Pele guys #savekilauea

Aloha Ā'ina

Ā'ina Aloha You

Talk more tomorrow about it all




Aloha Activism


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